Friday, November 19, 2010

I am hitting the road...

Insane , Maniac

looser or a jack

call me whatever you want

blabber, go away or stay.

My love is calling me again.

I am hitting the road.

I have a few penny or sum grands

your consent or a plain reject

My heart's loud cheer or The world's criticism

nothing would affect.

Nothing would hit the inner bang

that calls me back

that calls me on the roads

I aint no man, no women infact

today let me just be the vagabond I'd been in my dreams

Im gonna live my dream

I am on my feet

I am hitting the road!


Love is an over hyped Illusion.You create a world which never would be real. and most of the time , are lost in that concocted world.

He shattered my world. not only my dream world. he distorted my reality as well. My hatred for 'love' has surpassed my 'love' for him.Now It's a derogatory feeling, by mere mention of my feelings for him, I sink deeper in guilt.They say, one never repents after loving somebody. I say, one gains nothing more than just the pleasure of sight, rush of adrenaline, some unnecessary smiles and infinite unreciprocated moments. That's why I hate love.

I was too much into him that I helped him distort my reality, my sanity, the innocence of my thought, my uncrafty smiles. I let him be the parasite, feeding on my love struck heart. I let him suck out life out of my system. it was only him residing in the head. Like a master who aspired to be pleased, entertained, to be given wealth of moments and emotions, which he could kick at his own free will. I allowed all that, consiously delighted.

So, my hatred for him is nothing even close to my hatred for myself. My own bloody, I've planned my end. a cold blooded Suicide, one might call it. But it'll be gradual. piercing slowly, very slowly, taking out every single drop of blood.

No Blood. No Heart.

finally, No heartbeat.


Thursday, November 11, 2010

No longer

No longer I believe in your mesmerising eyes, which hinted amore

No longer I feel your undone touch, your holding my hand which I thought asked me not to go

No longer I hear those unsaid words which told me you missed me much more than I thought

No longer I sense you walking beside me on the toes, when I feel lone

No longer I reside in the warmth of your embrace, which never let me weep

No longer I dream of you and me, hand in hand walking by the sea

No longer I find you in front of me, when my heart beats to get a glimpse of you

No longer I find you kiss away my tears, which now just dry away

The you:who never said a word, who never hugged me tight, whose heart never skipped a beat thinking of me, who never held my hand n walked me through

you who could only be the recepient

I never wanted to

but I guess, Im over you!